Most of the clips from Wheel of Fortune that go viral have to do with the contestants - whether they mess up on a puzzle, or solve one miraculously, or make a bizarre guess, or even give an NSFW wrong answer. However, this week, Twitter reacted to a video from the hit game show that centered not around a contestant, but around host Pat Sajak.
It went down after contestant Eliot Gaines won a puzzle. Pat chatted with Eliot about his winnings and the excited contestant pumped his arms over his head to raise the roof. Pat did the same, saying "lift the ceiling" as he did it.
Not surprisingly, Twitter had a lot to say about the awkward flub.
Maybe Pat is actually a trailblazer and "lift the ceiling" will catch on so much that Luke will release a new version of his 1998 hit "Raise The Roof" with the lyrics and title changed so they reflect Pat's phrase. Or maybe not.
Photo: Getty