Trellis Supportive Care is continuing to provide compassionate, quality care to our patients and families, yet we are postponing our Community Outreach programs including, GotPlans™ workshops and our Veterans Coffees until further notice to avoid unnecessary risk of exposure to the Coronavirus.
On the 1st Wednesday of the month (except for April and July), Richard Childress Racing will host veterans (and their care providers) for coffee, donuts, conversation and information. The event is free.
Veterans of all ages, male and female, regardless of when or where they served are invited to join other Veterans for FREE coffee, doughnuts and conversation. Most coffee events will include informal presentations by organizations who provide services and activities for veterans and their families. Invite a Veteran to come with you.
Veterans Coffees will be held on 2/5, 3/4, 5/6, 6/3 at Richard Childress Racing in Welcome.
Find a Veterans Coffees event in your area HERE
Trellis Supportive Care, formerly Hospice & Palliative Care Center, is a proud participant in the We Honor Veterans program, a program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) and Veterans Administration (VA). As part of our salute to veterans, we provide education about available resources, and opportunities for veterans to connect and enjoy fellowship. We have specially trained professionals qualified to care for patients with a history of military service.
Click here to learn more about the non-profit services of Trellis Supportive Care
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