Postmaster General DeJoy says he won't return mail-sorting machines

WASHINGTON, D.C., USA — Postmaster General Louis DeJoy took the stand before the U.S. House Oversight Committee Monday afternoon.

DeJoy, who lives in Greensboro, recently implemented some cost-cutting measures, such as removing mail sorting machines and mailboxes.

Members of Congress brought up those sorting machines today in light of concerns of the U.S. Postal Service's ability to handle the expected influx of mail-in ballots for the November election. 

One member of congress asked what the harm is in putting the machines back until election day. 

"First of all sir, we do not, we heard all the statistics of the mail-in and the votes and so forth, and we don't need the machines to process an election," said DeJoy.

The hearing became heated during an exchange between Congressman Stephen Lynch from Massachusetts and DeJoy, after Lynch asked if DeJoy would put the machines back. 

"I will not," DeJoy said. 

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