Lutheran Hour Ministries is a Christian outreach ministry supporting churches worldwide. LHM produces Christian radio and TV programming for broadcast, as well as Internet and print communications, dramas, music, and outreach materials, to reach unchurched people in the United States and more than 30 other countries. LHM's flagship program, The Lutheran Hour, airs weekly on 1400 stations and the American Forces Network. Visit for more information.

He Made Me a Believer

What's This Neighborhood Coming To?

When you're not limited by the size of your table, you can invite everyone.

In the Beginning Was Dialogue

Do you need more faith? Then you need the Word. Faith comes from hearing the Word of Christ.

No Getting Better Than This

The Good Life--what is it? Pastor Chad Lakies says life is truly good when it's life the way God meant it to be.

Does It Matter If Jesus Is God?

Jesus sets a good example, but good examples can't help dead people. Only God's Son can make us alive again.

Sorrow Welcomed Here

The church welcomes people, but does it also welcome their problems? Dr. Michael Zeigler says the church should be a place that makes room for both joy and sorrow.

Assignment: Christmas - A Christmas Radio Special from Lutheran Hour Ministries

Completely Ordinary Human

Everyone has a story to tell and yours can be one through which Jesus is working to make the world new again.

Will Everything Sad Come Untrue?

A mother and her young son trade a life of privilege for one of poverty, a story that is borderline unbelievable, yet nonetheless true.

Jesus Sees What's in the Heart

Jesus sees what's in our hearts. What's in His heart? God saw that we needed a Savior.