Hundreds of parents in Arizona are demanding the resignation of a school board president accused of keeping secret dossiers on dozens of parents.
According to the Scottsdale Independent, Scottsdale Unified School District Governing Board President Jann-Michael Greenburg sent an email to resident Kim Stafford with a screenshot of a Google Drive that contained a trove of personal information on at least 47 parents in the district who have spoken out during school board meetings. The information includes social security numbers, mortgage documents, divorce filings, and screenshots of social media posts.
Stafford shared a link to the drive with other parents, including Amanda Wray, who was shocked about what she found in the drive.
"When I first saw the contents of the Google Drive, and I saw my 8- and 10-year-old's photos, that was terrifying. And like, what's he doing?" Wray told "But he has pictures of my vacation home, property records. I'm not a political opponent, I'm an involved parent, and that is threatening to me, and it makes me wonder why and what he was planning to do with those photos."
The link to the drive has since been made private.
Greenburg has denied knowledge of the drive and suggested that it was created and maintained by his father. The drive is owned by Greenburg's father, Mark Greenburg, but he was granted access to it, along with SUSD Governing Board member Zachary Lindsay and another unidentified woman.
"I categorically deny having anything to do with any of this," Greenburg told the Scottsdale Independent.
Lindsay also denied having any knowledge of the drive.